Sept 14th Norwegian Sighthound Club Championship Show, Drammen

Great day at the Norwegian Sighthound Show. Our Norw Swed Dan Swiss Ch EUJW23 WW23 NJUBJW23 NJUBW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily wins the strong champion class as well as Best bitch#2 in an entry of some 70+ whippets under Kevin Rees, Kierpark, UK.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Aug 16-18th Int DKK Bornholm

New champion! Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline She’s The One wins her new Danish champion title and 2nd best bitch at DKK Bornholm in a nice entry under Børge Espeland. This was her very first show in Denmark!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

July 20-21st Judging The Kartano Weekend 2024!!

Amazing weekend in Finland judging whippets and greyhound at the Finnish Sighthound Specialty in Kartano.
On Saturday I had a lovely entry of 94 whippets. My BOB and later on BIS was Ch Sagramoor There Is Only You. BOS was the handsome Ch C’mere Oz The Great, 11 years young!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Sunday I had the pleasure judging 41 greyhounds!
My BIS was the classic Ch Estet Classic Fortuneate and BOS the striking Ch Ina’s Fashion Fantastic. BIS puppy was Estet Classic Frosty Harmony and BOS Puppy was her handsome brother Estet Classic Frosty Vigor.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

July 5-7th NKK Sandefjord

What an amazing weekend we had at NKK Sandefjord! The largest show weekend with some 12.000+ dogs in 2024! Norw Swed Ch Showline She’s The One started it all with a bang - winning BOB in an entry of nearly 90 whippets under Vittorio Passerino, Italy and a strong group 2 under Diane Stewart-Ritchie! The next day she was best bitch 3!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

To top it all, her litter brother Showline Sassafras, owned by Kate Reinert, wins his 2nd CAC and Best male 3! Yes, an amazing weekend indeed!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

June 29-30th Judging The Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show

Had a great weekend judging the Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show. An impressive entry of some lovely whippets together with Pauline Oliver! Thank you to the comitee for a well organized show, the hospitaly, my ring steward and writer. A big Thank You to all the exhibitors bringing their lovely dogs, and the nice words and applaudes from ringside! You all made this a superduper weekend!

On Saturday (158 whippets) I did the puppies and males. Best puppy was Villwhip’s Dream Cortina and BOS her brother Villwhip’s Dream Borneo. The handsome Ch Exploring Mindreader was my best male.

On Sunday (127 whippets) my best bitch and overall BIS was the lovely Ch Utzon’s Sweet Miss Sophie, the queen of the day!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

June 8-9th Int & Nordic NKK Trondheim

TWO NEW CHAMPIONS! Both litter sisters made up this weekend at NKK Trondheim!

At day 1 Norw Swed Ch Showline She’s The One was made up in an entry of 68 under Telja Salmi-Aalto, Finland.

Her title came in record time after winning her first CAC incl. BOB at the last show in Norway 2023, CAC and BOB at SKK MyDog in Jan 2024, the first international show in Sweden, CAC at NKK Int Kristiansand, the first int show in Norway and now the final and important CAC at the very next NKK int show! All in strong competition!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

At day 2 we entered Pia, who now has champion titles in four countries! CIB-J Swiss Norw Swed Dan Ch EUJW23 EUJCW23 NJJUBW23 NJUBW23 WW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily! She was 2nd best bitch with the important CAC in heavy rain under Jeanett Lemmeke, Sweden!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

To do this weekend even more special, their litter brother NL Ch Showline Signature did very well at Dogshow Eindhoven, Netherland!
What a fabulous weekend for these lovely littermates!

May 2nd The Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024

The Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024
NEW CHAMPION! NL Ch Showline Signature was made up at this important Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024 under Mette Mørkegaard, Denmark with double CAC’s and best male!
«Mats», owned by Jan Willem & Kris, is the very first from this lovely litter to be made up, just aging two!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

April 20-21th Int NKK Kristiansand

Fantastic start in Norway as well! An amazing day at NKK Kristiansand with our young Showline She’s The One in the lovely entry of 112 whippets! «She’s The One» for sure - winning the CAC under Helen Johnson, Danluke, UK as well as 3rd. best bitch!

This was her very first time entering a show by the Norwegian Kennel Club, and won this important CAC right away! Now «Nora» needs just one more CAC to gain her multiple champion title.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Crufts 2024

Once again coming home from Crufts with lot of nice memories! This year whippet had 466 entries. The young homebred Showline Signature made us very proud winning a huge Post Graduate Dog class under  Robert Newsham, Windspiel! Had to step in as owner was busy in another ring. Thank you Jan Willem Akerboom & Kris van der Schaaf for letting me handling “Mats”!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Jan th MyDog 2024
What a fantastic start of 2024! It was time for “Nora” to have some fun! Our Showline She’s The One winning CAC and BOB from intermediate at MyDog, Gothenburg, Sweden, one of the largest dog shows in Scandinavia with some 9.000 dogs, under Torbjørn Skaar in an entry of some 100+ whippets!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Summary 2023

2023 was an amazing first year for the puppies from the Multi Ch Cremé Anglaise’s Panna Cotta ex Multi Ch Showline Scanorama combination!

The handsome Showline Sassafras made an impressive debut by winning his very first CAC right away at the huge Norwegian Sighthound Club Championship Show right away!

Brother Showline Signature, living with his daddy in the Netherlands, has been in England winning Best Puppy in Breed as well as CAC in his country of living!

Sister Nora, Showline She’s The One made four outings winning CAC, BOBs, BIS Junior and 2nd best bitch at The Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show etc.

Sister Swiss Ch Showline Sweet Tiger Lily EUJW23, EUJCW23, WW23 NJUBW23 NJUBJW23 made quite a fabulous debut year in several countries, incl. both European Junior title (winning BOB, but too young for the EUW title) World Winner title, several BOBs, CACs in four countries, Group wins, as well as some impressive BIS placings all breed.

She was Top Debutant in the breed 2023, Top Bitch#2 Whippet 2023 and Top#3 Whippet 2023!

Four of seven in this lovely litter have been out in the rings so far, all winning CACs!

Dec 16-17th Sandefjord

Today we entered the very last all breed show in Norway 2023! This time we wanted Showline She’s The One to shine in the spotlight…and so she did! Winning CAC and BOB under Stefan Boieck from intermediate! Thank you for the most wonderful written critique! Unfortunately, we could not stay to the finales as we had a birthday party in the family!

Nora 2

Nov 25-26th Nordic NKK Sandefjord

What a Fabulous Day at the very last NKK show 2023! Our Swiss CH CIB-J EUJ’23 EUJCW’23 NJJUBW’23 NJUBW’23 WW’23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily went on to win Nordic CAC and BOB under Simon Tien Hansen from intermediate in a good entry of some beautiful whippets! Later on she was Group#2 under Annika Ulltveit Moe, just behind the amazing Afghan Hound, who is Top Dog All Breeds in Norway! Pia was the youngest one in this mega strong group!

Nora 2

23th.-27th. August

Triple WOW! What a fabulous trip to the huge World Dog Show in Genève with our Pia! She is now CHS CH CIB-J EUJW’23 EUJCW’23 EUCW’23 NJJUBW’23 NJUBW’23 WW’23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily! Winning 3xCAC, the Swiss Champion title, 2xCACIB, BOB, Group#1, BIS#3 and the World Winner title, in front of impressive entries of fabulous and high quality whippets!

Thank you to the judges Annika Ulltveit-Moe, SE, Tamas Jakkel, HUN, Ramon Podesta, Chile and Roberto Posa, CH/SE.

Thank you for all the great sportmanship, hugs, greetings and kind words about our young girl, who did her best in the terrible heat. You all made these days very special indeed! Huge congratulations to all winners!

Now home again and doing what she likes best, having fun running around in the forest!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

World Dog Show, Genève 26th. August

Today at the World Dog Show wins her 3rd CAC, the Swiss champion title, CACIB and the World Winner title 23 under Annika Ulltveit-Moe in front of «a river of top winning bitches»!

We are over the moon and back many times over! So impressed of our young Tigeress from intermediate showing like a pro. Today the entry in whippets was some 180+ from several countries!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily WW 2023 Geneve


Pre-WDS Whippet Specialty Show, Genève 25th. August

CAC no. 2 today for CIB-J EUJW23 EUJCW23 NJUBW 23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily at the Pre-WDS Whippet Specialty winning from intermediate and 3rd best bitch in very stiff competition under Roberto Posa!

Pia 1

Grand Prix CACIB Show, Genève 23th. August

What an amazing day at the Genève Grand Prix CACIB Show! Our young CIB-J EUJW23 EUJCW23 NJUBW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily showed like a pro in the terrible heat winning CAC, CACIB, BOB under Tamas Jakkel, Group#1 under Ramon Podesta and Best in Show#3 under Tamas Jakkel in an entry of some 5000 dogs from all over the world!

A fabulous win at this first day of the World Dog Show Week in Genève!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BOB Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Sept 8th Judging The National at The Greyhound Club of America

What an amazing weekend judging The Greyhound Club of America National Specialty, Greeley, Colorado in an entry of 115, a record for decades!! BIS to GCh Ina’s Fashion Divine and BOS to GCh Wildwood New Year’s Resolution. BOW was Rubicon’s Ryal Little Lies.

Thank you to the members and the committee for this invitation, to all who entered your lovely dogs and the many kind words about my judging! You all made this huge Specialty very special! Loved every minute!

Nora 2

SKK International, Ransäter
29th-30th July

What a fabulous day in Sweden! Our CIB-J EUJW23 EUCJW23 NJ JubW23 NJubW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily went on to win CAC, CACIB and BOB under Svante Frisk and later on Group 2 under Benny Blidh von Schedvin at SKK in Ransäter. Little Pia was surely the youngest one in the group line up and did perform like a pro in the hot weather. Her lovely movement made people turning heads!
Thank you to the judges, the many kind words and greetings, and to Anna-Karin Widen for the BOB photos!

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The Norwegian Club Winner Show and Jubilee Show
7th-9th July

What a great and very hot weekend at the huge NKK Winner Shows in Sandefjord with some 15.000 dogs! We entered our CIB-J EUJCW23 EUJW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily and she amazed us with 2nd best bitch from junior under Trond Are Karlsen on Friday at the Norwegian Winner Show in an entry of some 80+ whippets.
Today at the Norwegian Jubilee Winner Show, she did even better being best junior bitch, Jr CAC, Crufts qualified, Norwegian Jubilee Junior Winner23 title, best bitch, CAC as well as Norwegian Jubilee Winner23 title under Marianne Holmli even here some 80+ whippets! Though it was terrible hot she performed beautifully!

Thank you to the judges, the many kind words and greetings about our little Pia, and for a fabulous weekend!

This was her last show as a junior! What a fabulous ride for one so young! Now she has to wait for her Norw Swed Dan champion title after 2 years old in Febr 2024!

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The Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show
24th-25th June

What a fabulous weekend at The Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show for our two sisters! The girls did extremely well!

On Saturday, Showline She’s The One was BISJunior and 2nd best bitch in a very strong line up under Molly Rule-Steele, Australia. This was her second show so far and showed like a pro! Entry 155 whippets.

On Sunday we entered only CIB-J EUJW23 EUJCW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily, winning BISJunior and 2nd best bitch in such a strong line up under Paulo Coelho, Portugal. Entry 143 whippets.

Their brother Showline Sassafras was entered on Saturday as 2nd junior male. All showing wonderfully in the hot weather.

Thanks alot to the judges for super reports, the club for a well organized show, the lovely prizes sponsored by members and all kind words and greetings about our young ones!

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NKK International, Trondheim
4th June

New International Junior champion title for CIB-J EUCJW 23 EUJW 23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily today at NKK Int Trondheim under Saija Juutilainen among some 68 whippets! A title hard to get and few to have in this breed! In spite of cold winds and rocky surface, she did her best!

Her 1st JrCACIB came at her debut show in January at MyDog, Sweden, under the late Geir Flyckt Pedersen as well as 2nd best bitch, CC, Crufts qualified, BOB Junior in an entry of some 100+ whippets, Junior Group 1 and Junior BIS 4!

Her 2nd JrCACIB, BOB Junior, CC, BOB was at the huge European Dog Show (EDS) in Denmark under Markku Mahonen in an entry of some 100+ whippets, Junior Group 1 under Anne Buvik, Junior BIS 4 under Tamas Jakkel and finally Group 2 under Annette Bystrup!

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The Norwegian Sighthound Festival 2023
27th-28th May

What a fabulous weekend at the Norwegian Sighthound Festival 2023! Four dogs from Team Showline were entered and they all did very well!
Showline Sassafras, owned by Kate Reinert, made his debut winning his first CC and best junior male, his sister Showline She’s The One made also her debut with Ex, CK and their sister EUJCW23 EUJW 23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily went on to be BOB Junior, best bitch under Agneta Kappers and finally Best Junior in Show among all sighthounds! Entry of 92 whippets!

To complete it all, their lovely aunt Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara, owned by Heidi Hoff, went on to win a huge champion class as well as 2nd best bitch in the very strong line up!

We even got some wonderful news from Netherland, their brother Showline Signature, owned by Creme Anglaise, won his Junior Champion title the very same day! What a fabulous weekend for these four littermates!

Thanks for the lovely photos by Heidi Dubourgh Pedersen and Jonna Sørensen, and the many nice words and greetings!

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FCI European Winner Show, Herning
21th May

What a fabulous end of this amazing weekend in Denmark! Today at the most important FCI European Winner Show, our young Showline Sweet Tiger Lily was BOB Junior, won the European Junior Winner 2023 title, Junior CC, BOB incl. CC (too young for the European Winner title!) in an entry of 108 whippets under Markku Mahonen, Best Junior in Group under Anne Buvik, Best Junior in Show #4 under Tamas Jakkel, and finally Group #2 in a very strong line up under Annette Bystrup!

Thank you to the judges that made this possible - the great sportsmanship, all the hugs, kind words and greetings. All so highly appreciated. You all made this day a very special one! So proud of our little girl, that showed like a pro all day long! We are over the moon and back!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 4 Junior EDS 23

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BOB EDS 2023

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily Group 1 junior EDS 23

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily Group 2 EDS 23

Danish Sighthound Club Show
19th May

What a great day at the Danish Sighthound Club Show! Our young Showline Sweet Tiger Lily went on to win Junior CC, European Junior Club Winner 2023 title, Club CC, best Junior in Breed, 2nd best bitch incl. CC among some lovely bitches under Agneta Kappers, Sweden and finally Best Junior in Show # 3 under Gabriela Veiga, Portugal. A huge Thank You to the judges and lot of kind words and greetings during the day. All so higly appreciated.

Thanks also to Katrine Hodne for the lovely photo as BOB Junior incl. Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy, who judged the whippet males.
Now she already has CCs in Norway, Sweden and Denmark in just a few shows!

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22th April

Our lovely Showline Sweet Tiger Lily wins BOB Junior, CC, BOB, Group Junior 1 and finally BIS Junior All Breeds in a huge entry as well as Group 1 among the adults, all this under Zeljka Halper, Croatia and Best in Show 2 under Nenad Devic, Serbia in an entry of some 1150 dogs. Pia is just 14 months and the youngest one in the strong line up. Thank you all for a fabulous day.

Pia is not just a pretty face, her low free movement makes people turning heads!

Thank you Tove-Merete Lilledal for the nice photos.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily Vikersund 23

8th April

Our young Showline Sweet Tiger Lily wins BOB junior, CC, BOB, Junior Group 1, BIS Junior all breeds in a huuuge entry, all this under Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, Spain, and finally Group 2 under Joao Vasco Poças, Portugal. Pia is just 13 months! Thank you! Well organized show with lots of wonderful prices incl. the largest rosette ever! The car was full! Also a big Thank You All for the many nice words and kind greetings about our young girl. You all made the day even more special!

A special thx to Trond Tørres and Mylene Vaeringstad for the lovely photos.

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3rd April

AI puppies (3+5) arrived at Carry On knls in Sweden by Int Multi Ch Statuesque Personalised ex Carry On Nothing Really Matters. This semen was collected some 30+ years ago, and still of highest quality! The straws are from our collection stored in the semen bank by NKK. Congratulations and best of luck!

5th March

Showline Signature "Mats" came all the way to Birmingham and performed beautifully. He was 3th in Junior dogs (16) just 12 months old!

Great news from Poland! Puppies (3+2) born by SBIS Showline Silver Sterling ex BIS & Int & Multi Ch Tylko Ty Rook. Congratulations and best of luck!

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SKK/MyDog International, Gothenburg
5th-8th Jan

What a fabulous start of the year! Our Showline Sweet Tiger Lily made her debut in junior 10,5 months old at the huge MyDog1 in Sweden winning Best Junior in Breed, the very first Junior-CACIB, Crufts qualified, 2nd best bitch and the CC in a very strong entry of some lovely bitches under the legend Geir Flyckt. Some 100+ whippets entered.

At the end of the day "Pia" was Best Junior In Show#4 under Saija Juutilainen. So nice to win under such breed and sighthound specialists!

And to make these days even more complete her brother Showline Signature, living in Netherland, made his debut in the UK by winning Best Puppy in Breed and Hound Puppy Group#3 at Boston Championship Show! «Mats» even has 2 junior CACs from his two shows in Netherland!
What a fabulous start of the new year! Thank you to the judges and the many nice words and greetings!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS4 Junior MyDog 23

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily CC bt2 MyDog 23

February 20, 2022
Puppies are here!

5+2 lovely puppies born at Valentines Day from this long planned and most interesting combination. Mother and the small ones are all fine. Exciting times ahead!

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April 3, 2021
The miracle litter

The miracle litter of 2+5 created with 30 years old frozen semen ( a world record?) by Multi BIS Int Austr NZ Norw Swed Ch Statuesque Personalised ex Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara. A big big THANK YOU to Heidi E Hoff, Clement Johannessen and Nenne Runsten for making this possible. We wish them all the very best in the time to come.

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Sept 5th 2020
Norwegian Sighthound Club

“Sara” did it again! Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara moved beautifully to 2nd best bitch in a very nice line up under Randi Juliussen at the Norwegian Sighthound Club Specialty 2020 – the only one this year! Thx to Asta Slapø for photo.

Ch Showline Scanorama Strömsholm 2018 2

Aug 30th 2020
NKK Stavanger

Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara had once again a great day, winning champion class and 2.nd best bitch under sighthound specialist Espen Engh at NKK International Stavanger. Thx to Tina Tømmerås Ingebrigtsen for photo.

Aug 16th 2020
NKK Lillehammer

Our young Showline Silhouette is coming along nicely, did a lovely performance, winning intermediate and ending up at 3rd best bitch among some 50+ bitches under Simon Tien Hansen at NKK International Lillehammer.

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The next Showline litter – early 2021!

As there has been a long time since last litter of puppies, we plan a litter or two from the lovely sisters Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama and Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara.

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Bis Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama

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Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara

Jan 5th 2020
SKK MyDogs Gothenburg

We are very proud of Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara, who did a great debut in the new hands of Heidi Hoff and Clement Johannessen by winning the CC, her Swedish championship and 2nd best bitch in a strong line up under breed specialist Nenne Runsten at SKK MyDogs Gothenburd, the very first show in 2020. Way to go for “Sara” and her strong new team!

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March 5th 2019

Showline Sovereign makes a great debut in the ring by winning BOB Puppy and Group 1 Puppy. “Enzo” is owned by Inger-Jeanette Olaussen and is the first one in the ring from this international AI combination by Multi BIS SBIS US Ch GR US Ch Pinnacle Tennessee Whiskey ex Multi BIS Int Norw Swed Dan Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field. Way to go for this nice fellow!

Showline Sovereign 5 months on the move

Febr 5th 2019
Int NKK Bø

Norw Swed Dan Ch Norw -18 Ch Showline Scanorama starts the year with BOB under Nicklas Eriksson, Sweden and Group 4 under Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy.

Ch Showline Scanorama Strömsholm 2018 cut 2

Summary 2018

2018 was a busy year, so little showing activity. But saying that – the dogs were really in the spotlight, when entered!

Ch Showline Samsara was made up early this year, winning all her CC's with BOB and Group 3 as the lowest placing! “Sara” is co-owned and loved by Gerd Røssland, Librium Whippets.

What a great start for the handsome junior - BIS Showline Silver Sterling from the international AI combination by Int Ch US Ch Multi Ch Aberdeen Remarkable In Paris ex Multi BIS Int Ch Multi Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field) made a stunning debut in May with CC, BOB and later on Best in Show at the Norwegian Sighthound Festival 2018 - the largest sigthound event in Norway! At the very next show he wins another CC at the NKK Sandefjord - both from junior under breed and sighthound experts! Now he has to wait aging two for his title.

In August we had an exciting litter of six (4+2) by US GR Ch US Ch Pinnacle Tennessee Whiskey ex our lovely Multi BIS Int Norw Swed Dan Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field. Whiskey is Top Whippet in USA 2017 and 2018 incl. Top Hound 2018. They are coming along nicely. Feel free to see more of this extraordinary litter under “Litters”!

The stunning young boy BIS Norw W-18 Nordic W-18 Showline Silver Sterling ended 2018 and Top male 4 in just 4 shows, with the highest average points in males 2018 – all from junior! ”Morten” is owned and loved by Maryanne Eilertsen.

Our lovely Norw Swed Dan Ch Norw -18 Ch Showline Scanorama was Top Bitch 3 and Top Whippet 5 in Norway in just 5 shows with the highest average points in bitches 2018! She did very well at all of them!

Nov 18 2018
Int NKK Oslo, DOGS4All

What a great weekend it was at Dogs4all - the largest dog show in Norway 2018! The stunning young BIS Showline Silver Sterling, owned by Maryanne Eilertsen was 2.nd best male both days from junior! “Morten” won the Norw Junior Winner 2018 and the Nordic Junior Winner 2018 titles.

Showline Silver Sterling bh2 Lillestrøm begge dager 2018

To top it all our BIS Multi Ch Showline Scanorama wins BOB in an entry of some 100+ whippets and later on Group 1 in a very strong line up of high quality sigthounds! Thank you to judges Roberto Posa, Sweden/Switserland (bitches), György Tesics, Serbia (males and BOB) and finally Henrik Johansson (group). She even got the title Norw Winner 2018 to her other winner titles!

Ch Showline Scanorama BIR Lillestrøm 2018

Aug 21, 2018

They are here! An exciting litter of six (4+2) by US GR Ch US Ch Pinnacle Tennessee Whiskey ex our lovely Multi BIS Int Norw Swed Dan Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field. Whiskey is Top Whippet in USA 2017 and 2018 incl. Top Hound 2018. All red fawns. Feel free to see more of this extraordinary litter under “Litters”!

Whiskey og Rikke 2018

June 3 2018
Nordic NKK Sandefjord

Norw Swed Dan Ch Norw -18 Ch Showline Scanorama was 2.nd best bitch in a lovely strong line up under Agnata Kappers, Sweden.

Ch Showline Scanorama Strömsholm 2018 2

Showline Silver Sterling wins CC and 3.rd best male under Agneta Kappers, Sweden. ”Morten” is owned by Maryanne Eilertsen.

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May 26, 2018

Another show, another dog, another CC! Showline Silver Moon wins another CC under Terrence Griffin on a very hot day! This was his 2nd CC in just 3 shows so far! Congratulations to “Martin” and owner Kari Bjørnstad.

Shwline Silver Moon 2 nd CC

May 20, 2018
The Norwegian Sighthound Festival 2018

Best in Show at his first show! CC and BOB from junior under Clare Boggia and BIS under Veronika Chrpova Kucerova. Congratulations to Showline Silver Sterling “Morten” and Maryanne Eilertsen for this impressive win at this larges sighthound event in Norway! BOS was our Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama. Yes, it was a very nice show!

SBIS Showline Silver Sterling BIS NGK 2018 2

March 4, 2018

New champion! Showline Samsara wins her qualifying CC, her new title, BOB and Group 3 at her first show in Open class 2018 under Jussi Liimitainen. This makes her winning all her CCs with BOB and Group 3 as the lowest! “Sara” is co-owned by Gerd Røssland.


Summary 2017

Norw Swed Dan Ch NJW-16 SEW-17 Showline Scanorama wins BOB at all her shows in Norway this year and Group 2 as the lowest! - And even so at Int SKK Stockholm in Sweden! Norw Swed Dan Ch NJW-16 SEW 17 Showline Scanorama was among the Top Sighthounds in Norway as well as Whippets in Sweden 2017! Her sister Showline Samsara was also among the Top Whippets in Norway!

December 29, 2017

Showline Silver Sterling made a nice debut in the ring winning his first puppy class and 2nd best male under Frank Kane! “Morten” is owned by Maryanne Eilertsen.

Showline Silver Sterling 65 mnths

December 16, 2017
Int SKK Stockholm, Sweden

Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama wins CACIB, best bitch and her Swedish Winner title 2017 under Per Lundström, BOB under Benny Blid v Schedvin and finally Group 2 under Ingela Kyrklund, Colt’s Whippet!

Ch Showline Scanorama Group 2 Stockholm 2017

November 18, 2017
Int NKK Lillestrøm

Showline Silver Light made a nice debut at NKK Lillestrøm in puppy class! “Casper” is owned Inger-Jeanette Olausen.

Showline Silver Light Lillestrøm 2017

October 29, 2017

Best in Show! Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama wins BOB under Birgitta Svarstad, Group 1 under Leif Herman Wilberg and finally Best in Show under Rodi Hübenthal.

Ch Showline Scanorama BIS Kongsberg 2017

October 14, 2017

New Norw Swed Dan Champion! This win was at her very first show in Open 2 years and 1 day! Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline Scanorama winning her qualifying CC, her three new titles, BOB and Group 1 under Eli Marie Klepp and Best in Show 3 under Knut Sigurd Wilberg.

Ch Showline Scanorama BIS3 Bø okt 2017

July 30, 2017
The Swedish Sighthound Show, Skokloster Summer Show, Sweden

Showline Scanorama wins a huge intermediate class and no. 4 in the strong bitch line up at Stömsholm Skokloster Summer Show under Patsy Gilmour!

Showline Scanorama GWC 2017 cut

July 29, 2017
Int SKK Ransäter, Sweden

Showline Scanorama wins CACIB under Karl-Erik Johansson!

June 10, 2017
Int NKK Oslo

Showline Samsara wins CC, CACIB and BOB under Lotte Jørgensen and and Group 2 under Zafra Sirik at Int NKK Oslo!

Showline Samsara BOB Group 2 NKK Ekeberg June 2017

March 5, 2017

Showline Samsara wins CC, BOB and Group 2 at her first show 2017 under Charlotte Høier! “Sara” is co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Showline Samsara 16 mnd

February 25, 2017
Int NKK Bø

Showline Scanorama wins CACIB, BOB and Group 2 under Marianne Holm at Int NKK Bø at her very first show in Norway this year – now in intermediate!

Showline Scanorama Gøteborg Jan 2017

Janyary 6, 2018
MyDog Int SKK Gothenburg, Sweden

Showline Scanorama wins her first CC in Sweden at My Dogs Int SKK Gothenburg under Hans Almgren. She was also BOB junior and shortlisted in a huge BIS junior final. With this win Marte has CC’s in Norway, Denmark and now Sweden – all from junior!

Showline Scanorama MyDog 2017 5

December 29, 2016

Showline Silver Moon made a striking debut by winning CCs from junior! Showline Silver Moon made a striking debut by winning CCs from junior!

Showline Silver Moon 14 mnd 1

Her sister “Marte” – Showline Scanorama wins CC and BOB under Per Kristian Andersen and Group 2 under Tesics Gyrõgy.

November 14, 2016
Kongsberg Dog Show

Showline Samsara wins CC and BOB under Bjørg Foss and Group 2 under Zorica Salijevic. “Sara” is co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Showline Samsara 7 mnths

September 4, 2016
The Norwegian Sighthound Club

Int Norw Swed Dan Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field wins BOB and Best in Show 3 under Ingela Kyrklund at the Norwegian Sighthound Show.

Int Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field BIS3 NMK 4 sept 2016 1

The young Showline Scanorama made a stunning debut in Norway at the same show, winning her first CC in Norway from junior and 2.nd best bitch, just behind her play friend.

Showline Scanorama 10 mnd bt2 cert nmk 4 sept 2016 2

August 14, 2016
Int DKK Bornholm, Denmark

The next day our young Showline Scanorama made a great debut in Denmark at this DKK Int Bornholm, winning her first CC, just a few days in junior under Annette Bystrøm!

Showline Scanorama MyDog 2017 1

August 13, 2016
Int DKK Bornholm, Denmark

Best in Show! And new Int. champion! Int Norw Swed Dan Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field wins not only CC, her Danish title, CACIB, her international title, BOB and Group 1 under Knut Sigurd Wilberg, and also Best in Show at Int DKK Bornholm in a super quality entry!

Int Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field BIS Bornholm 2016

July 30, 2016
The Swedish Whippet Club, Skokloster Summer Show

Showline Scanorama made a stunning debut in junior at The Swedish Whippet Club Show, becoming no. 4 in the strong bitch line up among overall some 80+ bitches at Stömsholm Skokloster Summer Show under Elisabet Janzon, Wolftone Whippets.

Showline Scanorama BIS valp Whippetspesialen 2016 5

June 16, 2016
Puppies are born

The arrival of our new born by AI - the very international combination USA GR USA Int Ch Aberdeen Remarkable In Paris x BIS Int Nord Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field 3+1 lovely puppies!

Marcus ex Rikke 2017

June 6, 2016
The Whippet Championship Show, Lier

Our Showline Scanorama starts her furture in the ring, winning Best Puppy in Show at the Norwegian Whippet Championship Show 2016 under Hanne Berit Huseby. It is not easy to be a puppy in the high grass, but “Marte” showed beautifully.Our Showline Scanorama starts her furture in the ring, winning Best Puppy in Show at the Norwegian Whippet Championship Show 2016 under Hanne Berit Huseby. It is not easy to be a puppy in the high grass, but “Marte” showed beautifully.

Showline Scanorama BPIS The Norwegian Whippet Specialty June 2016

New champion! Librium’s Remarkable Rose got her title first time possible at after 2 years with CC, her title, BOB, Group 1 and Best in Show 3! 

Libriums Remarkable Rose CC BOB both days BIS2 and BIS3 Gran Hadeland 2016 7

May 15, 2016
The Norwegian Sighthound Festival, Hadeland

The very next day the young Librium’s Remarkable Rose was again wins CC and BOB under Graham Hill and then BIS 3 under Alain Dumotier, again from intermediate!

Libriums Remarkable Rose moving to BIS2 Hadeland 2016 2

May 14, 2016
The Norwegian Sighthound Festival, Hadeland

Librium’s Remarkable Rose winning CC, BOB and BIS 2 at the Norwegian Sighthound Festival from intermediate, and BIS 3 under Ingrid Krah-Heiermann!

Libriums Remarkable Rose BIS2 Hadeland 2016

October 13, 2015
Puppies are born

New litter of whippets at Showline! Finally, we had the arrival of a whippet litter at Showline in many years! This most international combination by AI - SBIS Int Nord Swed Dan Est LT LV PL VDH RU ZC RO Ch Rivarco Teller of Tales x Multi BIS SBIS Int Norw Swed Dan Germ NL BE LU Ch Hannah Di Mahana gave birth to 3+4 lovely puppies.

Sammy ex Hannah combination

June 28, 2015
Int SKK Borås, Sweden

Again our lovely visitor from Belgium Multi BIS SBIS Int Ned Germ Belg Lux Ch Hannah Di Mahana made a lovely ring debut. This time in Sweden at Int SKK Borås winning CC, her Swedish title and BOB under Colleen Khory and Group 3 under Sandra Terzic.

Int Ch Hannah Di Mahana on table left

June 7, 2015
Int NKK Drammen

Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field won BOB and Group 1 at Int NKK Drammen under Lotte Jørgensen and Best in Show 2 under Gunnar Nyman.

Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field BIS2 2015 beskaret

May 25, 2015
The Norwegian Sighthound Festival, Hadeland

Our lovely visitor from Belgium Multi BIS SBIS Int Ned Germ Belg Lux Ch Hannah Di Mahana made a lovely debut in Norway at the Norwegian Sighthound Festival, winning CC, her Norwegian title, BOB and Best in Show 2 under Andreja Novak in the rain.

Int Ch Hannah Di Mahana on the move May 2015

May 23, 2015
The Norwegian Sighthound Festival, Hadeland

Librium’s Remarkable Rose had a fantastic day at the Norwegian Sighthound Festival winning CC, BOB and BIS 2 under Göran Bodegård from junior!

Libriums Remarkable Rose CC BOB and BIS2 NGK 2015

April 25, 2015
Int DKK Roskilde, Denmark

Our lovely visitor from Belgium Multi BIS SBIS Int Ned Germ Belg Lux Ch Hannah Di Mahana made a nice debut in Denmark. “Hannah” wins CC, her Danish title, CACIB and BOS under Zafra Sirik at Int DKK Roskilde.

Int Ch Hannah di Mahana BOB BIG3 SKK Boras 2015

March 17, 2015
Int NKK Kristiansand

New Norw Swed Champion! Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field was made up at her very first show in Open with CC, her two new titles, CACIB and best bitch under Ricky Lochs-Roman at Int NKK Kristiansand.

Ch Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field BOB KS Wilberg 2015

November 28, 2014

The lovely puppy, Librium’s Remarkable Rose made a stunning debut in the ring, winning Best puppy in breed, Best puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show under Friedrich! What a nice debut for this little girl at 5,5 months! “Ruby” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Libriums Remarkable Rose BIS valp

November 9, 2014

The next day it was another show with CC, BOB and Group 1 for Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field under Annika Ulltveit Moe and finally Best in Show 2 under Leif Herman Wilberg.

Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Filed BIG 8 Nov 2014

November 11, 2014

What an impressive debut in Norway for our lovely Italian girl - Sobers Roseberry For Sporting Field wins her first CC, BOB and Group 1 under Stephen Wheeler and Best in Show under Annika Ulltveit Moe from junior!

RIKKE GRuppe 10 vinner søndag Annika

Summary 2013

New Int Ch! Int Nord Ch Librium’s Incredible Love wins his qualifying CACIB under Ingebjørg Stenhaugen. “Scott” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Libriums Incredible Love BOS n1

Another champion at the same show! Librium’s Jazz Festival won her qualifying CC from Open, became Norw Dan Ch! “Fanny” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Fanny Libriums Jazz Fantasy

Int Ch Librium’s Incredible Love was best male among some 60+ males at the Swedish Whippet Club under Joachim Bartusch.

Pic 2 Ch Libriums Incredible Love

GB Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step – our pride and joy – dies 31st October.

Ch Showline Sporting Step BIS Oslo International 2010 bruntoner

June 16, 2012
The Greyhound Club Championship Show, England

New GB Champion!New GB Champion!Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step wins her 3rd CC in the UK and Best in Show at The Greyhound Club Championship Show under Gilberto Grandi, Italy! Sara became an English champion like her dam, GB Int Nord Ch Showline Silent Step. This was Sara’s 3rd show in 2012 and her 3rd Best in Show! Great fun and very proud!

Sara BIS The Greyhound Club 2012 with trophies

May 27, 2012
The Norwegian Greyhound Club, 60-Years Anniversary Show

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB and later Best in Show under Gilberto Grandi, Italy. This was her 2nd show and 2nd Best in Show 2017!

Pic 3 Ch Showline Sporting Step

May 26, 2012
The Norwegian Sighthound Club Show

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB under Olaf Knauber, Germany and later Best in Show under Gabriela Vega, Portugal. It was great to see Sara so happy with lots of energy and sparkling attidude after 6 months holiday from the ring. This was her 1nd show and 1nd Best in Show 2012!

Sara BIS NMK Hadeland 2012

May 5, 2012
Int DKK Roskilde, Denmark

Librium's Jazz Festival wins CC, CACIB and BOB from intermediate under Paula Heikinen-Lehkonen.

Fanny og Knut 2

Ch Librium’s Incredible Love wins his CC, CACIB and BOS.

Libriums Incredible Love

We surely had a very nice day and went home happily before the group as we had a long way home.

January 5, 2012
Int SKK Gothenburg, MY DOG, Sweden

The very first show in Scandinavia was the MY DOG weekend in Gothenburg, Sweden. We had entered the two mascots Scott and Fanny. Scott - Librium's Incredible Love, went on to win CC (his 19th CC) and BOB in tough competition under the whippet expert and allrounder Arne Foss, Paper Moon Whippets, Norway and Group 4 under the breed expert Nenne Runsten; Airescot Whippets, Sweden in a very strong line up - all this from youth class! “Scott” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland. His mate Fanny - Librium's Jazz Festival won a strong junior class and went on as 4 best bitch. “Fanny” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland. We surely had a very nice day, dropped the next show and went home happily. What an excellent start of 2012!

Summary 2011

Int Ch Showline Sporting Step

  • Startet 2011 with 2 x Best in Show in one weekend i January.
  • Then we went to Crufts and won CC and BOB. This was her 2.nd CC and BOB in the UK in just two shows.
  • BOB and BIS The Norwegian Sighthound Club
  • BOB and BIS 2 The Norwegian Greyhound Show
  • No 3 Top Dog All Breeds 2009, 2010 ......and 2011
  • Already a living legend!

Swed Dan Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings

  • CC and 2.nd best bitch at the Norwegian Sighthund Club Show
  • BOB, CC, CACIB, the danish champion title and group placement on her trip to Denmark
  • Congratulations to Randie and Inger

Swed Fin Ch Showline Sporting Lad

  • BOB x 2, Group 2, Group 4, CC x 2, CACIB, his finnish champion title - all in one weekend in Finland
  • Congratulations to Luka, Roger and handler Helena

It Ch Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers

  • Already an important sire with many top winning offspring nearly all over the world
  • Best of luck with his many beautiful children
  • Congratulations to Giacomo, Bitte and Pieri
  • Congratulations to daddy Int Ch Skying's Excalibur and mummy GB Int Ch Showline Silent Step for some very nice children!

Leo - Int Norw Swed Dan Fin Est LV LT VDG Germ PL Lux A NL H SK Ch Showline Silent Wish
Among the "old ones", just Leo has been in the ring in 2011. He did very well!

  • Now a champion in 14 COUNTRIES!
  • Won his 78th BOB in 2011
  • BIS Veteran in Show
  • Congratulations to Leo, Ingrid and Kjell Olav

Librium's Incredible Love

  • Top Whippet Male 2011
  • Winnner of 18 CC's and BOBs from junior and now youth class
  • Already the sire of 6 very nice litters
  • Congratulation Gerd, his breeder and co-owner

Librium's Jazz Festival

  • Winner of CC's from her first steps into junior class
  • Congratulation Gerd, her breeder and co-owner

September 11, 2011
Stavanger International, Norway

Our little mascot, the young whippet Librium’s Incredible Love charms everyone on his way by his excellent type, super size and outline, overall balance, beautiful head, darkest of eyes, well made body, excellent angulations both ends and low free movement. In Stavanger International he again went on to win CC and best male, this time under Göran Bodegård, Sweden.

So far he has been winning 9 CC and mostly best male in just 11 shows – all from junior class! This young lad is among the top winning males in the breed this year! He has already sired four litters of very nice quality and more to come!

2011 09 11

Librium’s Incredible Love winning his 9th CC and best male.

August 16, 2011
Joensuu National, Finland

On Sunday he did even better – winning another BOB as well as group 2 under Robert Blümel, Austria. Well done Luka, his owner Roger and his clever handler Helena! Congratulations to you all.

2011 08 16

Swed Fin Ch Showline Sporting Lad winning BOB and group 2 in Finland.

August 15, 2011
Joensuu International, Finland

While Sara is staying home making a good recovery, her brother Ch Showline Sporting Lad in Sweden went to Finland for two shows and did some excellent winning! On Saturday he got the important CC, his new champion title in Finland, CACIB as well as BOB under Kenneth Edh, Sweden and group 4 under Gabriella Veiga, Portugal.

July 23, 2011
Kent, England

Sara and I was on the trip from Norway to Leeds in England hoping to get her third and qualifying CC. We flew to Brussels, renting a car and drove through Belgum, France, the Euro tunnel and staying overnight with good friends in Kent. We started to get ready at 2.00 Friday morning, for driving up to Leeds. Taking Sara out for a walk, I saw at once she was not doing well. She was on the operating table before 3.00!

Thanks to Clare Boggia's quick reaction, phone calls and great help, and the very clever Vet. Julien, Sara will make it through. A BIG THANK YOU both!

I did not dare to take her home by plane. Luckely Rita and Paul Bartlett were going to Sweden by car the next few days, so they kindly took her all the way through Europe. We went over to Sweden and brought her home on Thursday. A BIG THANK YOU Rita and Paul!!

Now Sara will stay at home and make a nice and good recovery. She is already very much herself again - enjoying life!

Seing this from the outside, we have been lucky. Sara is recovering well.

Lots of thank yours for all support, warm and positive thinking through many many sms, e-mails and phone calls from friends around the world. THANK YOU ALL!

June 18, 2011
The Swedish Sighthound Club, Tånga Hed

We have received great news from Sweden – Luka – Showline Sporting Lad is now a champion! At the Swedish Sighthound Club Specialty at Tånga Hed, he won his qualifying CC and even best male under James Sillers, USA. Well done Roger and Luka!

2011 06 18 sporting lad

New Ch Showline Sporting Lad with his handler Helena

Luka is the 4th champion in this litter of five by Multi Ch Skyings Excalibur ex GB Multi Ch Multi title Showline Silent Step. The other ones are Swed Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings (Randie), It Ch Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers (Giacomo) and our Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step. The last one, Kingston - Showline Sporting Cup has two CCs in LC and enjoys running in the fields among cows. Congratulations to you all!

June 12, 2011
The Norwegian Sighthound Club, Hadeland

On Sunday the Norwegian Sighthound Club had their yearly show, even this one for all the sighthound breeds. Ray Lindholm, Sweden was doing the breed and our Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won the BOB and later on Best in Show, again under Ray Lindholm.

2011 06 12 BIS

Multi Ch Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show under Ray Lindholm

Her sister Randie - Swed Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings, co-owned by Inger Johansson, won another Open class as well as CC and 2. best bitch!

2011 06 12 sporting joy

Swed Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings winning the CC

The whippets where judged by Bitte Ahrens Primavera. Our two whippets did very well! The young Scott - Librium’s Incredible Love was winning his 6th CC, all from junior class and placed best male in tip top competition - just 12 months old!

2011 06 12 whippet

Librium’s Incredible Love winning his 6th CC from junior class as well as best male!

Our lovely puppy Fanny - Librium’s Jazz Festival was again best puppy bitch! Thank you for all the positive response about these two young ones, and especially from several breeders that all of a sudden asked to use Scott for their new generations! He will be bred to 4 bitches and then we’ll see how he produces.

2011 06 12 whippet puppy

Librium’s Jazz Fantasy winning best puppy bitch both days!

June 11, 2011
The Norwegian Greyhound Club, Hadeland

We surely had a very nice weekend at the yearly sighthound gathering in Norway during the Witsun. On Saturday the Norwegian Greyhound Club was organizing their show for all the sighthound breeds. Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy was doing greyhounds and our Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won the BOB and later on BIS2.
Her sister Randie - Swed Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings, co-owned by Inger Johansson, came all the way from Sweden, winning a large Open class.

2011 06 11 BIS2

Multi Ch Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show 2 under Bitte Ahrens Primavera

We even had two whippets entered under Henrik Härling, Sweden, both co-owned by their breeder Gerd Røssland. Our young Scott - Librium’s Incredible Love won his 5th CC from junior class and the lovely puppy Fanny - Librium’s Jazz Festival was best puppy bitch! She is already a group winner from puppy hood!

2011 06 11 whippet

Librium’s Incredible Love winning his 5th CC from junior class just 12 months old

June 6, 2011
The Croatian Kennel Club, Umag

At the last show during this trip Leo - Int Norw Swed Dan Fin Est LV LT VDG Germ PL Lux A NL H SK Ch KBHV-06 Showline Silent Wish, went on to win another CC, CACIB and BOB, this time under Luis Catalan. Even this day, because of high temperature they did not stay for the group finale.

This was Leo’s 73th BOB! He is a champion in 14 countries! What a nice show record for this very handsome dog – a great ambassador! We are very proud of him! Well done Ingrid and Kjell Olav!

June 15, 2011
The Croatian Kennel Club, Umag

The next week Leo - Int Norw Swed Dan Fin Est LV LT VDG Germ PL Lux A NL H SK Ch KBHV-06 Showline Silent Wish, went to another huge show, again winning CC, CACIB and BOB under Sandra Terzic. Again because of high temperature they did not stay for the group finale.

May 29, 2011
The Hungarian Kennel Club, Szekesfehervar

The next day Leo - Int Norw Swed Dan Fin Est LV LT VDG Germ PL Lux A NL H SK Ch KBHV-06 Showline Silent Wish, he won another CC and BOB under Peter Harsan. Because of high temperature they did not stay for the group finale, but moved on to Croatia.

May 28, 2011
The Hungarian Kennel Club, Szekesfehervar

The globetrotters, the Eggan family went once again on a looong holiday from their home in Orkanger, outside Trondheim. This time they drove all the way to both Hungary and Croatia. As always their companion was the multi title Leo - Int Norw Swed Dan Fin Est LV LT VDG, Germ PL Lux A NL H SK Ch KBHV-06 Showline Silent Wish, now aging nearly ten together with his best friend, the whippet Timmy.

At his first show, Leo won the CC, BOB, and the Group under Istvan Laszlo as well as Best Veteran in Show!

May 8, 2011
The Norwegian Kennel Club, Kristiansand

The only show for us in May was The Kristiansand International, The Norwegian Kennel Club. As Knut was judging The Whippet Club in France on Saturday, there were an unique team and great planning resulting some excellent wins! The very clever junior handler Patrick Oware handled Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step to BOB and Cecilie handled her winning the group, both under Bjørg Foss, Xciting Whippets. Early Sunday morning Knut took a long taxi trip to the airport in Paris, then off to Oslo Gardermoen and the next flight to Kristiansand, arriving the showground some 20 minutes before the BIS finale! Sara ended up as BIS4 under Annika Ulltveit-Moe. This was an important win, as it was Sara's group win no 30 and BIS/BIS-placement no 27! Thank you to everyone involved and the great support making all this possible! We all know that very little can stop doggy people!

April 10, 2011
The Norwegian Kennel Club, Bergen

The first spring show in Norway was The Bergen International, The Norwegian Kennel Club. We surely had quite a trip over the mountains in stormy snow weather. But we all know that very little can stop doggy people! Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won BOB and her 29th group 1 under Arne Foss, Paper Moon, Norway and Best in Show 2 under Hassi Assenmacher, Germany!

2011 04 09

Photo: Lars Blomberg

March 12, 2011
Crufts, Birmingham, England

In March we had only one show to enter, but Crufts 2011 became a dream come true! We went all the way to Birmingham and our Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step went on to win bitch CC and BOB under Gerd Flyckt Pedersen, Hubbestad, USA! To our knowledge, Sara is the very first Norwegian owned sighthound to win BOB at Crufts! This was her second show in the UK and her second CC and BOB!

2011 03 12

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step pictured winning CC and BOB at Crufts 2011.
Photo: Barbara Thiel

Thanks a million to our judge Gerd Flyckt Pedersen for making this possible, for the great support ringside and the many greetings and kind remarks ticking in worldwide. You all made this day to a very special one!

Gerd Flyckt-Pedersen reports about Sara in Dog World; "An extremely attractive lady of the highest calibre! Lovely feminine head, long elegant neck. Good body with excellent depth and tuck-up. Shown in great form and expertly handled. Moved freely and efficiently. CC & BOB."

February 20, 2011
The Norwegian Kennel Club, Bø

The final show in February was The Bø International, The Norwegian Kennel Club. Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won BOB and her 28th group 1 under Nenne Runsten, Sweden and Best in Show 2 under Rafael Malo Alcrudo, Spain!

This February was a very nice month!

2011 02 20

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-0-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning her 25 BIS/BIS-placing, this time under Rafael Malo Alcrudo

February 13, 2011
The Norwegian Corgi Club, Oslo

The next day we did the very same! Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won BOB and the group under Benny Blid von Schedvin, Sweden and Best in Show under Rainer Vourinen, Finland!

2011 02 13

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-0-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning her 13th Best in Show, this time under Rainer Vourinen

February 12, 2011
The Norwegian Boxer Club, Oslo

The next weekend we did even better! Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step won BOB and the group under Lisbeth Campell, Norway and Best in Show under Knut Sigurd Wilberg, England!

2011 02 12

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-0-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning her 12th Best in Show, this time under Knut Sigurd Wilberg

February 5, 2011
The Norwegian Schnauzer & Bouvier Club, Oslo

Our show season started in February. Sara - Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step started nicely winning BOB and the group under Ingebjørg Stenhaugen, Dogcastle, Norway and Best in Show 4 under Jeff Luscott, England!

2011 02 05

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDV-10 Showline Sporting Step pictured with Knut at Long Beach, California where she won BOB at The National and among the 12 finalists at The World Challenge 2010

Summary 2012

Nord Ch Librium’s Incredible Love was Top Whippet Male in Norway 2011 and 2012. “Scott” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland.Nord Ch Librium’s Incredible Love was Top Whippet Male in Norway 2011 and 2012. “Scott” is bred and co-owned by Gerd Røssland.

Libriums Incredible Love BOS n2

GB Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step was shown only three times, twice in 2012 in Norway and once in the UK – winning 3 x Best in Show, at the Norwegian Greyhound Club 60 Years Anniversary Show, the Norwegian Sighthound Show and the Greyhound Club Championship Show in the UK!

NKK Oslo 2010 søndag BIG gr10 b

GB Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NW-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 NORDW-10 Showline Sporting Step was Top Greyhound in Norway 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012! This is the very first time the same dog has been Top Greyhound four years running in the history of the Norwegian Greyhound Club!

Ch Showline Sporting Step BIS Oslo International 2010

It Ch Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers has some excellent top winning offspring nearly all over the world! No. 1 Top Stud Dog in Italy and Finland and No. 2 in Sweden!

Giacomo 2014

December 11, 2010
LKA - The Ladies Kennel Association, Birmingham, England

After just a short rest from Long Beach, California, we went all the way to Birmingham, England! Our dear Sara, Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-10 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step went on to win CC and BOB under the breed spesialist Elaine Newsham, Windspiel Greyhounds and Hound Group 3 under the hound spesialist Ann Macdonald, Mabrooka Salukis, Skottland. This was her very first trip to the UK.

2010 12 10

Photo: Alan Walker
Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-10 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step winning CC, BOB and Hound Group3 at her very first trip to the UK.

Ann Macdonald reports:
"Group 3 cose up and another which impressed was the Greyhound, Int Nord Ch Showline Sporting Step, judged this bitch in her home country of Norway earlier this year where she won the sighthound group under me and then Best in Show. So elegant in outline and graceful, light and easy on the move, defines the Standard so well, she was up against very strong competition here and I was splitting hairs to separate the place of winners. A great showgirl I much admire, who was beautifully presented and handled!"

2010 has been a fantastic year for Sara and us. In the strong "Team Sara" there are many we want to say THANK YOU! To everyone who have kept their fingers crossed before a show and then lots of congratulations and nice remarks after her many wins. Nutrition is of course of great impontance and the ProPlan team have done their best! Also a big thank you to our friend Wenche at who have worked so nice with Sara on the water trademill with great success.

2010 12 11 aquadog

December 4, 2010
AKC/Eukanuba National og Eukanuba World Challenge 2010,  Long Beach, California

Our dear Sara, Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 Showline Storting Step was representing Norway at this great event with some 3 200 dogs in Long Beach, California. At The National where all the top dogs in their breed were invited, Sara went on to win BOB and Best-Bred-By under Gloria Reese, Holmby Hills, USA. Mrs Reese was the owner of Punky, CH Aroi Talk of the Blues, Top winning greyhound of all time. This win was a very important and most emotional one for us! Thank you!

At the World Challenge there were 43 top dogs around the world competing. Sara went on to be among the 12 dogs that went into the last final, where a superb Doberman pinscher from Argentina was BIS. As a total, Sara is the top winning dog from Norway ever at this large show! Thank you to everyone for great remarks and kind words! This is like a dream!

2010 12 03 presentation

Sara, Knut and Siv Sandø, representing NKK, carrying the Norwegian flag
in the lap of honour into the final in Eukanuba World Challenge 2010

2010 12 03

Sara pictured being one of the 12 finalists in AKC/Eukanuba World Challenge 2010.
To the left the judge Jaime Ganoza, Dega Afghans, Peru and next to me, Richard Learwood, Proctor & Gamble - Eukanuba Petcare Global Marketing Director. On the right Dan Rajczak, Senior Vice President of Global P&G Pet Care and Snacks
Photo: Lisa Croft Elliot.

October 10, 2010
Tromsø international, The Norwegian Kennel Club

This show was the more important Tromsø International chasing points for the Top Dog competition. But no points today! Sara was placed second in a class of two! This has never ever happend before! Quite a new experience for us all! Thank you for all support and kind words after the show.

Sara is still the current No 2 Top Dog All Breeds 2010, No 1 Top Bitch All Breeds and No 1 Top Dog All Breeds Owner Handled! A very close line up before the last show at Dogs4All!

Our dear Sara is representing Norway in the Eukanuba World Challenge 2010! This is a great honour. We are very proud indeed! Thank you to everyone who have made this possible!

2010 08 14

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show in Tromsø. This picture was taken at Oslo International where Sara was BIS.

October 16, 2010
Tromsø national

This weekend started very well, when Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Marit Sunde, Norway, winning the group under Carl Gunnar Stafberg, Sweden and Best in Show under Marit Sunde in a strong line up of quality dogs!

This was her 24th group win and 21 BIS/BIS-placing!

2010 08 14

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show in Tromsø. This picture was taken at Oslo International where Sara was BIS.

Tromsø international, The Norwegian Kennel Club

This show was the more important Tromsø International chasing points for the Top Dog competition. But no points today! Sara was placed second in a class of two! This has never ever happend before! Quite a new experience for us all! Thank you for all support and kind words after the show.

Sara is still the current No 2 Top Dog All Breeds 2010, No 1 Top Bitch All Breeds and No 1 Top Dog All Breeds Owner Handled! A very close line up before the last show at Dogs4All!

Our dear Sara is representing Norway in the Eukanuba World Challenge 2010! This is a great honour. We are very proud indeed! Thank you to everyone who have made this possible!

October 10, 2010
Hamar international, The Norwegian Kennel Club

We even had a fantastic weekend at Hamar International! Our Sara, Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Petter Fodstad, Norway, winning the group under Benny Blid von Schedvin, Sweden and No 2 Best in Show under Arne Foss in a very strong line up of quality dogs!

2010 10 09

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning under benny Blid von Schedvin

Sara is the current No 2 Top Dog All Breeds 2010, No 1 Top Bitch All Breeds and No 1 Top Dog All Breeds Owner Handled!

September 12, 2010
Stavanger international, The Norwegian Kennel Club

We surely had a fantastic weekend at Stavanger International! Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Iren Naarits, Estonia winning the group under Henrik Johansson, Sweden and Best in Show under Harry Tast, Finland!

2010 09 12

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 NV-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show

Sara is the current No 1 Top Dog All Breeds in Norway 2010! We are over the moon! Thank you for the many congratulations and nice greetings from friends around the world!

August 15, 2010
Oslo International, The Norwegian Kennel Club, The Norwegian Winner Show

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Åge Gjetnes, winning the group under Frans Gerritsen, Holland and Best in Show 2 under Michael Camac! She even got the Norwegian Winner title 2010!

2010 08 15

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show 2
Photo: Jane Elin Brattberg, NKK

Sara is the current No 2 Top Dog All Breeds in Norway 2010!

What an exciting weekend we had among some 9 000 dogs winning BIS on Saturday and BIS 2 on Sunday! Thank you for the many many congratulations and nice greetings from good friends around the world!

August 14, 2010
Oslo International, The Norwegian Kennel Club, Crufts qualification

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Frans Gerritsen, Holland, winning the group under Ann MacDonald, Scotland and finally Best in Show under Wera Hübenthal, Norway in an entry of 4 300 dogs!

2010 08 14

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Best in Show at one of the largest shows ever in Norway. She did the very same last year as well!

June 25, 2010
World Show Herning, Denmark

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Rainer Vourinen and Group 3 under Espen Engh! She even got the World Winner title 2010!

2010 06 25 herning

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 WW-10 Showline Sporting Step winning Group3 pictured under Espen Engh

Her dam GB Int Nord CH NORDV-02-03-06 KBHV-03 NV-04 SV-04 Showline Silent Step was out for the first time in two years and was best veteran in the breed and won the title Veteran World Winner 2010. What a nice day to retire for this lovely top winning bitch!

The Showline Greyhounds won best breeder class as well!

What an exciting day we had at the World Show 2010! Thank you for the many cards, phone calls, sms, e-mails with congratulations, pictures and gifts from good friends around the world – and even new ones as well!

June 23, 2010
The Danish Sighthound show, Fredericia, Denmark

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy and Best in Show under Regina Trump Prujn, Holland, Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy and Robert Paust, Sweden/USA in an entry of dogs from 20+ countries!

2010 06 23

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step
Waiting in the final and later on winning Best in Show

2010 06 23 BIS

May 8, 2010
NKK International in Kristiansand, Norway

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB and won the Group under Andre von der Broek, Holland, and BIS 4 under Karl Erik Johansson, Sweden. At time of writing she is Nr 2 Top Dog All Breeds 2010!

2010 05 05

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step winning her 18th Group under Andre von der Broek, Holland

April 18, 2010
NKK International in Bergen, Norway

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB under Espen Engh, Jet's Greyhounds, Norway, Group 1 under Per Iversen, Norway and BIS 3 under Espen Engh again. This was her 4th show so far this year incl. 4 BOBs, 3 Group wins, 1 BIS and 2 BIS 3! It seems to be an exciting year!

2010 04 18

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step winning her 17th Group win, this time under Per Iversen.

April 17, 2010
An All Breed Open Show, Moheda, Sweden

Showline Sporting Lad was BOB under Tove Stäveby-Hällström, Sweden and went directly to win Best in Show under Ing-Marie Hagelin, Sweden.. This was his first outing together with his new owner Roger Kleven. Well done Luka and Roger, and best of luck in the time to come.

2010 04 17

March 21, 2010
NKK international in Harstad, Norway

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB and Group 1 under Margaret Davis, Australia and BIS 3 under Annika Ulltveit Moe, Sweden. Sara is No 3 Dog of the Year 2010 – so far...

2010 03 21

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step winning her 16th Group1 pictured and Best in Show All Breeds, her 13th BIS/BIS placing!

February 21, 2010
NKK international in Bø, Norway

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 NV-09 Showline Sporting Step was BOB and Group 4 under Nils Molin, Sweden.

February 14, 2010
Leto, Eidsvoll, Norway

INT NORD UCH JWW-08 NV-08-09 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step starts the show season winning BOB and the group under Eli Marie Klepp, Norway and Best in Show all breeds under Karl Erik Johansson, Sweden. This was her group win No 15 and BIS No 6! What a nice way to start 2010!

2010 02 14 BIS

INT NORD UCH JWW-08 NV-08-09 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step winning BEST IN SHOW under Karl Erik Johansson

November 29, 2009
NKK International show in Oslo, Norway

Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB and the Norwegian Winner title 2009 under Benny Blid Von Schedvin, Sweden and Group 2 under Jacqueline Quiros-Kubat, USA at this huge final show in Norway with an entry of some 6 300 dogs.

"Sara" ended this fantastic show season as No 3 Dog of the Year in Norway!

Thank you to everyone for many, many nice greetings and good wishes.

2009 11 29 moving

October 25, 2009
NKK International show in Tromsø, Norway

Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB and the group under Bjørg Foss, Norway og Best in Show 4 under Hans Müller, Switzerland. Sara, who now is an International Champion is still the current No 3 Dog of the Year, before the last show in Norway. We keep our fingers and paws crossed!

2009 10 25

September 20, 2009
DKK International, the Copenhagen Winner Show, Denmark

NORD (Norw Swed Dan) UCH JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step wins again BOB as well as the Copenhagen Winner Title 2009, this time under Gunnar Nymann, Denmark. We started to drive the long way home to Norway before the group!

2009 09 20

NORD UCH JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step winning BOB under Gunnar Nymann
Photo: Malin Åberg

September 19, 2009
DKK International, Copenhagen, Denmark

N S UCH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins CC, her Danish champion title, BOB under Georges Kostopouls, Greece and Group 1 under Javier Sanchez Fernandez, on her very first show in Denmark.

2009 09 19 moving

NORD UCH JWW-08 NV-08 KBHV-09 Showline Sporting Step on the move to her wins in Denmark
Photo: Malin Åberg

September 13, 2009
NKK Stavanger International

N S UCH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB and Group 1 under Marit Sunde, Norway. Sara is the current No 3 Dog of the Year 2009!

2009 09 13 BIG

N S CH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins the Group at NKK Stavanger.
At the moment she is No 3 Dog of the Year!
Photo: Lars Blomberg

August 29, 2009

N S UCH JWW-08 NW-08 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB and Group 1 under Javier Sanchez Fernandez and Best in Show 3 under Antonio Di Lorenzo.

2009 08 29 moving

N S CH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step on the move to Best in Show3
Photo: Simon Hansen

2009 08 29 BIG

N S CH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins her 11th Group 1
Photo: Simon Hansen

August 23, 2009
SKK Vallentuna, Sweden

S Ch Showline Sporting Joy at Skyings wins her qualifying CC at The SKK Memorial Show in Vallentuna and got her Swedish champion title under Kjell Lindström, Sweden. Randie is the 3rd in this already famous Showline Sporting-litter of five to get the champion title. Congratulations to Inger and Randie!

August 16, 2009
NKK Oslo

N S UCH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins BOB under John Reeve Newson, Canada, Group 1 under Eva Ekstam, New Zeeland and finally Best in Show under John Reeve Newson – at the largest show in Norway so far in 2009!

2009 08 16 BIS

N S CH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins Best in Show over some 4 000 dogs.
At the moment she is No 4 Dog of the Year!

2009 08 16 BIG

N S CH JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins the Group 1 under Eva Ekstam in heavy rain!

July 4, 2009
The Elverum All Breed Dog Show

N Ch JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step celebrates the recovery from a broken tail which again is long and nice, winning BOB and Group 1 under the sighthound expert Eli Marie Klepp, Norway and Best in Show All Breeds under Harry Tast, Finland!

July 4, 2009
The Norwegian Sighthound Club Yearly Sighthound Weekend

N Ch JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step winning BOS under the sighthound expert Ruth Smith USA/Sweden.

May 30, 2009
The Norwegian Greyhound Club Yearly Sighthound Weekend

WW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step winning the CC in the very first occation after ageing 2 years, her Norwegian Champion title, BOB and BIS 2 under the sighthound expert Joan Goldstein, USA. Sara has been winning the CC at EVERY show entered since her debut in junior class at the very same show last year, except The World Show winning Res CC!

2009 05 30

Norw Ch JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step winning her 14th CC, her Norwegian Champion title, BOB and BIS2

April 15, 2009
Reggio Emilia, Italy

JEW-08 Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers winning his final CC, his Italian Champion title and BOB under the sighthound expert Gilberto Grandi, Italy and Group 3 under a judge from Russia. Congratulations to Giacomo, Bitte and Pieri.

2009 04 15

It Ch JEW-08 Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers winning Group 3 BOB in Italy

2009 04 15 group

JEW-08 Showline Sporting Trophy at Sobers winning CC, his Italian Champion title and BOB in Italy

February 22, 2009
NKK Bø International

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins CC and BOB as well as Group1 under Ingebjørg Stenhaugen, Dogcastle, Norway on Saturday, so we had to come back on Sunday winning Best in Show 2 under Nina Karlsdotter, Sweden in an entry of some 2 700 dogs. Ingebjørg says in her critique about Sara: ”One of my ideal greyhounds!”

Sara is No 2 Dog of the Year at time of writing and is just a youngster!

2009 02 21 BIS2

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins Best in Show 2 at NKK Bø International
This was her 7th Group 1 and 7th BIS/BIS placing!

February 15, 2009
Leto, Eidsvoll, Norway

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins CC and BOB under Åge Gjetnes, Norway, the Group under Per Iversen, Norway and Best in Show 2 under Marit Sunde, Norway/Denmark

2009 02 15 BIS2

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins Best in Show 2 under Marit Sunde

2009 02 15 BIG

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins her 6th Group 1 under Per Iversen

February 2, 2009
Hellerud, Norway

The very next day it was a new show and JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins another CC, BOB and Group 3 under Rony Doedijns, Holland

January 31, 2009
Hellerud, Norway

WW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step starts the new show season in high order winning CC, BOB and Group1 under Iren Naarits, Estonia and Best in Show 3 under Jean-Jacques Dupas, France.

2009 01 31

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step wins the Group and BIS 3 at her very first show in 2009

December 30, 2008
Norwegian Christmas Show

WW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step starts the new show season in high order winning CC, BOB and

JWW-08 NV-08 Showline Sporting Step was out for the very last show in 2008, winning CC and BOB under Hans Lehtinen, Finland, Group 1 under Leif Lehmann Jørgensen, Denmark and Best in Show under Dan Ericsson, Sweden. This was the very same show she was Best Puppy in Show last year!

Showline Hounds

Cecilie & Knut Fr Blütecher