Sept 14th Norwegian Sighthound Club Championship Show, Drammen

Great day at the Norwegian Sighthound Show. Our Norw Swed Dan Swiss Ch EUJW23 WW23 NJUBJW23 NJUBW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily wins the strong champion class as well as Best bitch#2 in an entry of some 70+ whippets under Kevin Rees, Kierpark, UK.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Aug 16-18th Int DKK Bornholm

New champion! Norw Swed Dan Ch Showline She’s The One wins her new Danish champion title and 2nd best bitch at DKK Bornholm in a nice entry under Børge Espeland. This was her very first show in Denmark!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

July 20-21st Judging The Kartano Weekend 2024!!

Amazing weekend in Finland judging whippets and greyhound at the Finnish Sighthound Specialty in Kartano.
On Saturday I had a lovely entry of 94 whippets. My BOB and later on BIS was Ch Sagramoor There Is Only You. BOS was the handsome Ch C’mere Oz The Great, 11 years young!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Sunday I had the pleasure judging 41 greyhounds!
My BIS was the classic Ch Estet Classic Fortuneate and BOS the striking Ch Ina’s Fashion Fantastic. BIS puppy was Estet Classic Frosty Harmony and BOS Puppy was her handsome brother Estet Classic Frosty Vigor.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

July 5-7th NKK Sandefjord

What an amazing weekend we had at NKK Sandefjord! The largest show weekend with some 12.000+ dogs in 2024! Norw Swed Ch Showline She’s The One started it all with a bang - winning BOB in an entry of nearly 90 whippets under Vittorio Passerino, Italy and a strong group 2 under Diane Stewart-Ritchie! The next day she was best bitch 3!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

To top it all, her litter brother Showline Sassafras, owned by Kate Reinert, wins his 2nd CAC and Best male 3! Yes, an amazing weekend indeed!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

June 29-30th Judging The Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show

Had a great weekend judging the Norwegian Whippet Club Championship Show. An impressive entry of some lovely whippets together with Pauline Oliver! Thank you to the comitee for a well organized show, the hospitaly, my ring steward and writer. A big Thank You to all the exhibitors bringing their lovely dogs, and the nice words and applaudes from ringside! You all made this a superduper weekend!

On Saturday (158 whippets) I did the puppies and males. Best puppy was Villwhip’s Dream Cortina and BOS her brother Villwhip’s Dream Borneo. The handsome Ch Exploring Mindreader was my best male.

On Sunday (127 whippets) my best bitch and overall BIS was the lovely Ch Utzon’s Sweet Miss Sophie, the queen of the day!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

June 8-9th Int & Nordic NKK Trondheim

TWO NEW CHAMPIONS! Both litter sisters made up this weekend at NKK Trondheim!

At day 1 Norw Swed Ch Showline She’s The One was made up in an entry of 68 under Telja Salmi-Aalto, Finland.

Her title came in record time after winning her first CAC incl. BOB at the last show in Norway 2023, CAC and BOB at SKK MyDog in Jan 2024, the first international show in Sweden, CAC at NKK Int Kristiansand, the first int show in Norway and now the final and important CAC at the very next NKK int show! All in strong competition!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

At day 2 we entered Pia, who now has champion titles in four countries! CIB-J Swiss Norw Swed Dan Ch EUJW23 EUJCW23 NJJUBW23 NJUBW23 WW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily! She was 2nd best bitch with the important CAC in heavy rain under Jeanett Lemmeke, Sweden!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

To do this weekend even more special, their litter brother NL Ch Showline Signature did very well at Dogshow Eindhoven, Netherland!
What a fabulous weekend for these lovely littermates!

May 2nd The Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024

The Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024
NEW CHAMPION! NL Ch Showline Signature was made up at this important Dutch Whippet Club Championship Show of 2024 under Mette Mørkegaard, Denmark with double CAC’s and best male!
«Mats», owned by Jan Willem & Kris, is the very first from this lovely litter to be made up, just aging two!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

April 20-21th Int NKK Kristiansand

Fantastic start in Norway as well! An amazing day at NKK Kristiansand with our young Showline She’s The One in the lovely entry of 112 whippets! «She’s The One» for sure - winning the CAC under Helen Johnson, Danluke, UK as well as 3rd. best bitch!

This was her very first time entering a show by the Norwegian Kennel Club, and won this important CAC right away! Now «Nora» needs just one more CAC to gain her multiple champion title.

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Crufts 2024

Once again coming home from Crufts with lot of nice memories! This year whippet had 466 entries. The young homebred Showline Signature made us very proud winning a huge Post Graduate Dog class under  Robert Newsham, Windspiel! Had to step in as owner was busy in another ring. Thank you Jan Willem Akerboom & Kris van der Schaaf for letting me handling “Mats”!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Jan th MyDog 2024
What a fantastic start of 2024! It was time for “Nora” to have some fun! Our Showline She’s The One winning CAC and BOB from intermediate at MyDog, Gothenburg, Sweden, one of the largest dog shows in Scandinavia with some 9.000 dogs, under Torbjørn Skaar in an entry of some 100+ whippets!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

Showline Hounds

Cecilie & Knut Fr Blütecher