Sept 5th 2020
Norwegian Sighthound Club

“Sara” did it again! Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara moved beautifully to 2nd best bitch in a very nice line up under Randi Juliussen at the Norwegian Sighthound Club Specialty 2020 – the only one this year! Thx to Asta Slapø for photo.

Ch Showline Scanorama Strömsholm 2018 2

Aug 30th 2020
NKK Stavanger

Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara had once again a great day, winning champion class and 2.nd best bitch under sighthound specialist Espen Engh at NKK International Stavanger. Thx to Tina Tømmerås Ingebrigtsen for photo.

Aug 16th 2020
NKK Lillehammer

Our young Showline Silhouette is coming along nicely, did a lovely performance, winning intermediate and ending up at 3rd best bitch among some 50+ bitches under Simon Tien Hansen at NKK International Lillehammer.

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Jan 5th 2020
SKK MyDogs Gothenburg

We are very proud of Norw Swed Ch Showline Samsara, who did a great debut in the new hands of Heidi Hoff and Clement Johannessen by winning the CC, her Swedish championship and 2nd best bitch in a strong line up under breed specialist Nenne Runsten at SKK MyDogs Gothenburd, the very first show in 2020. Way to go for “Sara” and her strong new team!

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Showline Hounds

Cecilie & Knut Fr Blütecher