June 8-9th Int & Nordic NKK Trondheim

TWO NEW CHAMPIONS! Both litter sisters made up this weekend at NKK Trondheim!

At day 1 Norw Swed Ch Showline She’s The One was made up in an entry of 68 under Telja Salmi-Aalto, Finland.

Her title came in record time after winning her first CAC incl. BOB at the last show in Norway 2023, CAC and BOB at SKK MyDog in Jan 2024, the first international show in Sweden, CAC at NKK Int Kristiansand, the first int show in Norway and now the final and important CAC at the very next NKK int show! All in strong competition!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

At day 2 we entered Pia, who now has champion titles in four countries! CIB-J Swiss Norw Swed Dan Ch EUJW23 EUJCW23 NJJUBW23 NJUBW23 WW23 Showline Sweet Tiger Lily! She was 2nd best bitch with the important CAC in heavy rain under Jeanett Lemmeke, Sweden!

Showline Sweet Tiger Lily BIS 3 Grand Prix Geneve 2023

To do this weekend even more special, their litter brother NL Ch Showline Signature did very well at Dogshow Eindhoven, Netherland!
What a fabulous weekend for these lovely littermates!

Showline Hounds

Cecilie & Knut Fr Blütecher