December 4, 2010
AKC/Eukanuba National og Eukanuba World Challenge 2010, Long Beach, California
Our dear Sara, Int Nord Ch JWW-08 NV-08-09-10 KBHV-09 WW-10 Showline Storting Step was representing Norway at this great event with some 3 200 dogs in Long Beach, California. At The National where all the top dogs in their breed were invited, Sara went on to win BOB and Best-Bred-By under Gloria Reese, Holmby Hills, USA. Mrs Reese was the owner of Punky, CH Aroi Talk of the Blues, Top winning greyhound of all time. This win was a very important and most emotional one for us! Thank you!
At the World Challenge there were 43 top dogs around the world competing. Sara went on to be among the 12 dogs that went into the last final, where a superb Doberman pinscher from Argentina was BIS. As a total, Sara is the top winning dog from Norway ever at this large show! Thank you to everyone for great remarks and kind words! This is like a dream!
Sara, Knut and Siv Sandø, representing NKK, carrying the Norwegian flag
in the lap of honour into the final in Eukanuba World Challenge 2010
Sara pictured being one of the 12 finalists in AKC/Eukanuba World Challenge 2010.
To the left the judge Jaime Ganoza, Dega Afghans, Peru and next to me, Richard Learwood, Proctor & Gamble - Eukanuba Petcare Global Marketing Director. On the right Dan Rajczak, Senior Vice President of Global P&G Pet Care and Snacks
Photo: Lisa Croft Elliot.